PgDip, PgCert, BSc (Hons), ICF ACTP Cert. Coach, NVQ IAG, Ecotherapy Cert. EMCC Accredited Mentor & Coach at Senior Practitioner Level, Natural Mindfulness Guide IMMA.

This unique element of Ecoinnersense is ideally longer-term; suitable for people who'd like to form a deep relationship and connection with Nature, one that could be eco-therapeutic, mystical, communicative, spiritual and wonder-filled. You'll be guided by Leah, certified in ecotherapy, ecology & spirituality (PgCert), natural mindfulness and coaching that once worked as a wildlife conservationist (BSc Hons) and as an eco-consciousness thought leader. She's also a writer of spiritual Nature connection; writing co-creatively with Nature from her remote mountain home.
Purpose-Nature-Harmony-Sensory Ability-Experience
What you seek, seeks you, and in the silence of the sacred you begin to find your truths - Leah Black
Possible elements of your Nature Connection Coaching:
Build a mystical, communicative and spiritual connection with Nature
Connect with the more-than-human world by working with your senses; the core five and your lesser used, sometimes, hidden ones; like your eco-inner-senses, such as growing your intuition, imagination, instinct, heart sense, solar plexus sense, empathy, knowing & insight etc.
Understand how to seek what seeks you through offerings and empathetic interaction with Nature
Notice interesting and beautiful things in Nature and about yourself through natural mindfulness or more-than-human mindfulness, which may also help you to become more present, serene and grounded
Explore spiritual ecology, pilgrimages, solitude and sacred geography
Deepen your green spiritual goals, path and vision
Write with Nature & sense words of energy
Become aware of your inner nature, true essence & natural purpose with Nature's support
Connect with land, sea, sky and our human ancient past and become part of 'your' land's story; sensing ancient memories or seeking to research its ancient history (archaeo-therapeutic)
Experience green tarot, green oracles and eco-therapeutic photography in partnership with Nature
Notice & explore Nature's signs & symbols, etc.
All amounts below are in Euros
Consultation & Demo FREE
Single Session €55
4-Sessions €200
8-Sessions €360
Half Virtual Day €100
Full Virtual Day €180
On a low income? Reduced Rate for 3 Youth Yearly
Coaching and mentoring sessions are currently held via Google Meet and last 60-minutes. Your first session is a FREE consultation to see if we can work together. You'll receive exercises to complete in-between our sessions, which we can reflect on and discuss, among other aspects that may arise, during our 1-2-1. For the option of a full virtual day (10am-3pm UTC with an hour lunch break), both you and Leah will spend the day outdoors and/or indoors sensing the mystical in our own locations communicating via the free App 'Telegram', by using voice notes and/or calls and photographs (no prolonged screen time). There'll be numerous other activities and contemplations woven into the day.
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” – John Muir