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Image by Sora Sagano
Image by Valentin Salja


This unique element of Ecoinnersense is ideally longer-term; suitable for people who'd like to form a deep relationship and connection with Nature, one that could be eco-therapeutic, mystical, communicative, spiritual and wonder-filled. You'll be guided by Leah, certified in ecotherapy, ecology & spirituality (PgCert), natural mindfulness and coaching that once worked as a wildlife conservationist (BSc Hons) and as an eco-consciousness thought leader. She's also a writer of spiritual Nature connection; writing co-creatively with Nature from her remote mountain home. 


Purpose-Nature-Harmony-Sensory Ability-Experience


What you seek, seeks you, and in the silence of the sacred you begin to find your truths - Leah Black

Possible elements of your Nature Connection Coaching:

  • Build a mystical, communicative and spiritual connection with Nature

  • Connect with the more-than-human world by working with your senses; the core five and your lesser used, sometimes, hidden ones; like your eco-inner-senses, such as growing your intuition, imagination, instinct, heart sense, solar plexus sense, empathy, knowing & insight etc.

  • Understand how to seek what seeks you through offerings and empathetic interaction with Nature

  • Notice interesting and beautiful things in Nature and about yourself through natural mindfulness or more-than-human mindfulness, which may also help you to become more present, serene and grounded

  • Explore spiritual ecology, pilgrimages, solitude and sacred geography

  • Deepen your green spiritual goals, path and vision

  • Write with Nature & sense words of energy

  • Become aware of your inner nature, true essence & natural purpose with Nature's support

  • Connect with land, sea, sky and our human ancient past and become part of 'your' land's story; sensing ancient memories or seeking to research its ancient history (archaeo-therapeutic)

  • Experience green tarot, green oracles and eco-therapeutic photography in partnership with Nature

  • Notice & explore Nature's signs & symbols, etc.






All amounts below are in Euros

Consultation & Demo FREE

Single Session €55

4-Sessions €200

8-Sessions €360

Half Virtual Day €100

Full Virtual Day €180

On a low income? Reduced Rate for 3 Youth Yearly

Coaching and mentoring sessions are currently held via Google Meet and last 60-minutes. Your first session is a FREE consultation to see if we can work together. You'll receive exercises to complete in-between our sessions, which we can reflect on and discuss, among other aspects that may arise, during our 1-2-1. For the option of a full virtual day (10am-3pm UTC with an hour lunch break), both you and Leah will spend the day outdoors and/or indoors sensing the mystical in our own locations communicating via the free App 'Telegram', by using voice notes and/or calls and photographs (no prolonged screen time). There'll be numerous other activities and contemplations woven into the day.


“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” – John Muir




& Conditions

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SOMA Programme Trained to Teach Badge.png

ACTP 135hr Coach Credential

©2025 by Inter Aramo Solution S.L.

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Ecoinnersense's services are part of Inter Aramo Solutions S.L. Registered Business in Spain. Email:


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